#3, 1949
Acrylic on canvas
10 x 13.5 in. (image)
13 x 16.5 x 2.0 in. (frame)
original, includes certificate of authenticity from ArtTrust
The artwork presented here (#3) invites a dialogue between the abstract and the meditative, reflecting influences from Zen philosophy and the I Ching. This piece, with its combination of stylized human forms and the minimalistic mountain landscape, symbolizes a balance between inner consciousness and the external world. The figure on the left seems to crouch in contemplation or preparation, suggesting a moment of stillness before action, an important concept in Zen practices where presence and readiness are cultivated.
The transparent outline of the figure contrasts with the solid earth beneath, as if signifying the fluid nature of the mind and spirit compared to the grounded reality of existence. The mountain echoes the sacred Mount Kunlun of Chinese mythology, often associated with a spiritual journey or an axis mundi—connecting heaven and earth.
In the background, a shadowy figure with an ethereal line seems to take flight, reminiscent of the Hexagram “Feng” from the I Ching, representing “Abundance.” It speaks of a time of dynamic energy and expansion, where embracing both the material and immaterial allows for enlightenment and growth. Here, the work appears to meditate on the duality of action and thought, physicality and spirituality, inviting the viewer to ponder their own path towards harmony.
Currently ships from Oregon, USA
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“#3” was featured in his Yes Retrospective and in volume I of the series Bob Camblin N Compleat Workes.
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